
martes, 16 de febrero de 2010


El libro Egyptian birds for the most part seen in the Nile Valley (1909), (Las aves de Egipto en su mayor parte vistas en el Valle del Nilo), escrito e ilustrado por Charles Whymper, nos presenta 51 laminas de las aves más comunes a principios del siglo XX en aquel país.

Les presento una selección de las mismas y les dejo el enlace al libro al final del post para quien quiera verlo completo.

Para ver el titulo de las imágenes, pase el cursor sobre la lámina, para ampliar pulse.

001-Abubilla-Egyptian birds for the most part seen in the Nile Valley (1909)- Charles Whymper

002-Aguatero pintado-Egyptian birds for the most part seen in the Nile Valley (1909)- Charles Whymper

003-Aguila real egipcia-Egyptian birds for the most part seen in the Nile Valley (1909)- Charles Whymper

004-Aguzanieves blanco-Egyptian birds for the most part seen in the Nile Valley (1909)- Charles Whymper

005-Anades-Egyptian birds for the most part seen in the Nile Valley (1909)- Charles Whymper

006-Avefria-Egyptian birds for the most part seen in the Nile Valley (1909)- Charles Whymper

007-Avoceta común-Egyptian birds for the most part seen in the Nile Valley (1909)- Charles Whymper

008-Becacina común-Egyptian birds for the most part seen in the Nile Valley (1909)- Charles Whymper

009-Buitre leonado-Egyptian birds for the most part seen in the Nile Valley (1909)- Charles Whymper

010-Camachuelo del desierto-Egyptian birds for the most part seen in the Nile Valley (1909)- Charles Whymper

011-cigüeña pico zapato-Egyptian birds for the most part seen in the Nile Valley (1909)- Charles Whymper

012-Cojugada común-Egyptian birds for the most part seen in the Nile Valley (1909)- Charles Whymper

013-El pequeño abejaruco verde-Egyptian birds for the most part seen in the Nile Valley (1909)- Charles Whymper

014-Flamencos-Egyptian birds for the most part seen in the Nile Valley (1909)- Charles Whymper

015-fochas en el lago sagrado de Karnak-Egyptian birds for the most part seen in the Nile Valley (1909)- Charles Whymper

016-Garza nocturna-Egyptian birds for the most part seen in the Nile Valley (1909)- Charles Whymper

017-Gorrion en  el templo de Deir-el Bahari-Egyptian birds for the most part seen in the Nile Valley (1909)- Charles Whymper

018-Grulla común-Egyptian birds for the most part seen in the Nile Valley (1909)- Charles Whymper

019-Ibis sagrados entre papiros-Egyptian birds for the most part seen in the Nile Valley (1909)- Charles Whymper

020-Lechuzas-Egyptian birds for the most part seen in the Nile Valley (1909)- Charles Whymper

021-Pelicanos blancos-Egyptian birds for the most part seen in the Nile Valley (1909)- Charles Whymper

022-Tórtolas egipcias-Egyptian birds for the most part seen in the Nile Valley (1909)- Charles Whymper

023-Urogallo de la arena-Egyptian birds for the most part seen in the Nile Valley (1909)- Charles Whymper

He recortado el sobrante de los originales, corregido contraste y enmarcado en blanco.

Pueden acceder a la obra en este ENLACE


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